
Drinking Safely This Christmas

Thursday 7 December 2017

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but that doesn’t mean overly merry! The party season is upon us and most often we take the opportunity to revel in an excess of food and drink. However drinking alcohol in excess can be dangerous by impairing your judgement, lowering your mood and removing inhibitions. Nobody wants to spend their holidays arguing with family, friends or being admitted to hospital! So here are our top ten tips to drinking safely this Christmas.


  1. Be honest, do you know how much you’re drinking? Keep track of how many units you drink and stay within the guidelines.

  2. Try to avoid alcohol at least 3 days a week.

  3. Reduce the strength of your drinks. The lower the ABV the better for you.

  4. Eat regularly, ideally before you start drinking.

  5. Drink more water or soft drinks ideally between alcoholic drinks.

  6. Don’t drink and drive. Get an alcohol breathalyser to make sure you know whether you are safe to drive.

  7. Don’t view alcohol as a reward. Treat yourself in other ways.

  8. If stressed or upset try to use other mechanisms of coping such as exercise, or a good movie instead of reaching for a drink.

  9. Try social activities with friends that don’t include alcohol.

  10. If you’re worried about your drinking, GET HELP… we have made additional appointments available between the 27th and the 30th and then all through January for anyone who wants to turn their life around in 2018.


Most importantly, Enjoy your Christmas and know you are not alone whatever you’re going though.


The Team


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