Are you an HR Director/ Manager who will have to deal with Drugs and Alcohol in the workplace?
Do you find yourself confused or worried about Drugs and Alcohol in the workplace?
Do you recognise that you need to tackle the threat of Drugs and Alcohol in your workplace but don’t know where to start?
Do you need some professional advice and guidance on situations your encountering at work right now?
If so then this masterclass is for you.
In this masterclass we will cover everything you need to know about workplace Drug and Alcohol misuse to protect yourself, the company and your employees. We will break down everything into practical straight forward advise you can act on right away.
The issue of Drug and Alcohol use in the workplace is a complicated one, and understandably many HR professionals and employers may not understand how to start tackling and mitigating the damage that workplace substance misuse can cause. A recent study shows that 77% of all people whom admit to regular drug use are in employment with 44% admitting to dealing within the workplace.
From a legal and practical perspective, we as employers and HR professionals have a duty to take steps in resolving drug and alcohol misuse when it arises in our workplace.
In this masterclass we will cover:
Drugs, alcohol and prescribed/over the counter medication.
Strategies for introducing and running an effective substance misuse programme
Testing and how it works.
Q & A
The masterclasses operate under Chatham House rules, so feel free to bring any live cases for discussion if you wish.
Places are limited and it’s on a first come first served basis.
Tickets available from:
For more information contact us on 03333 448 288
Northern Counties Club
11 Hood Street
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